WordNet is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept.
WordNet的基本元素是synset ,是由一个或多个语义相近的单词构成的同义词组。
单词被分为NOUN, VERB, ADJ和ADV,各自组成一个语义网络,互相没有连接。
synset中的元素称为lemma ,即词根,标志着WordNet只会记录词元而不会记录其时态的变换。
对于名词来说,synset被组织成树形结构,每一个synset都有对应的上位词集 (hypernyms ) 和下位词集 (hyponyms )。所有名词词集的祖先都是{entity}。
在WordNet中,每一个synset表示为单词.词性.序号 ,即用词集中的一个单词来表示这一synset,序号则代表这一synset是这一单词的第几个含义。
与之相对应,lemma表示为单词.词性.序号.词根 ,这样便可唯一表示单词的每一个含义。
import nltk
nltk. download( 'wordnet' )
from nltk. corpus import wordnet as wn
>> > wn. synsets( "chair" )
[ Synset( 'chair.n.01' ) , Synset( 'professorship.n.01' ) , Synset( 'president.n.04' ) , Synset( 'electric_chair.n.01' ) , Synset( 'chair.n.05' ) , Synset( 'chair.v.01' ) , Synset( 'moderate.v.01' ) ]
>> > wn. synsets( "chair" , pos= wn. NOUN)
[ Synset( 'chair.n.01' ) , Synset( 'professorship.n.01' ) , Synset( 'president.n.04' ) , Synset( 'electric_chair.n.01' ) , Synset( 'chair.n.05' ) ]
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( "chair" ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + synset. definition( ) )
chair.n.01 ------ a seat for one person, with a support for the back
professorship.n.01 ------ the position of professor
president.n.04 ------ the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
electric_chair.n.01 ------ an instrument of execution by electrocution; resembles an ordinary seat for one person
chair.n.05 ------ a particular seat in an orchestra
chair.v.01 ------ act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university
moderate.v.01 ------ preside over
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( "chair" ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + str ( synset. examples( ) ) )
chair.n.01 ------ ['he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down']
professorship.n.01 ------ ['he was awarded an endowed chair in economics']
president.n.04 ------ ['address your remarks to the chairperson']
electric_chair.n.01 ------ ['the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair']
chair.n.05 ------ ['he is second chair violin']
chair.v.01 ------ ['She chaired the department for many years']
moderate.v.01 ------ ['John moderated the discussion']
查看synset中有哪些单词 (lemma)
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( 'chair' ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + str ( synset. lemmas( ) ) )
chair.n.01 ------ [Lemma('chair.n.01.chair')]
professorship.n.01 ------ [Lemma('professorship.n.01.professorship'), Lemma('professorship.n.01.chair')]
president.n.04 ------ [Lemma('president.n.04.president'), Lemma('president.n.04.chairman'), Lemma('president.n.04.chairwoman'), Lemma('president.n.04.chair'), Lemma('president.n.04.chairperson')]
electric_chair.n.01 ------ [Lemma('electric_chair.n.01.electric_chair'), Lemma('electric_chair.n.01.chair'), Lemma('electric_chair.n.01.death_chair'), Lemma('electric_chair.n.01.hot_seat')]
chair.n.05 ------ [Lemma('chair.n.05.chair')]
chair.v.01 ------ [Lemma('chair.v.01.chair'), Lemma('chair.v.01.chairman')]
moderate.v.01 ------ [Lemma('moderate.v.01.moderate'), Lemma('moderate.v.01.chair'), Lemma('moderate.v.01.lead')]
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( 'chair' ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + str ( synset. lemma_names( ) ) )
chair.n.01 ------ ['chair']
professorship.n.01 ------ ['professorship', 'chair']
president.n.04 ------ ['president', 'chairman', 'chairwoman', 'chair', 'chairperson']
electric_chair.n.01 ------ ['electric_chair', 'chair', 'death_chair', 'hot_seat']
chair.n.05 ------ ['chair']
chair.v.01 ------ ['chair', 'chairman']
moderate.v.01 ------ ['moderate', 'chair', 'lead']
def path_similarity ( self, other, verbose= False , simulate_root= True ) :
Path Distance Similarity:
Return a score denoting how similar two word senses are, based on the
shortest path that connects the senses in the is-a (hypernym/hypnoym)
taxonomy. The score is in the range 0 to 1, except in those cases where
a path cannot be found (will only be true for verbs as there are many
distinct verb taxonomies), in which case None is returned. A score of
1 represents identity i.e. comparing a sense with itself will return 1.
:type other: Synset
:param other: The ``Synset`` that this ``Synset`` is being compared to.
:type simulate_root: bool
:param simulate_root: The various verb taxonomies do not
share a single root which disallows this metric from working for
synsets that are not connected. This flag (True by default)
creates a fake root that connects all the taxonomies. Set it
to false to disable this behavior. For the noun taxonomy,
there is usually a default root except for WordNet version 1.6.
If you are using wordnet 1.6, a fake root will be added for nouns
as well.
:return: A score denoting the similarity of the two ``Synset`` objects,
normally between 0 and 1. None is returned if no connecting path
could be found. 1 is returned if a ``Synset`` is compared with
distance = self. shortest_path_distance(
simulate_root= simulate_root and ( self. _needs_root( ) or other. _needs_root( ) ) ,
if distance is None or distance < 0 :
return None
return 1.0 / ( distance + 1 )
该函数通过两个词集距离其公共祖先的距离之和 (即源码中的 distance ) 计算相似度,如果没有公共节点(如词性不一致),则会创建一个虚拟根节点来计算。
>> > chair = wn. synset( 'chair.n.01' )
>> > president = wn. synset( 'president.n.01' )
>> > chair. path_similarity( president)
>> > chair. lowest_common_hypernyms( president)
[ Synset( 'whole.n.02' ) ]
>> > chair. lowest_common_hypernyms( president) [ 0 ] . definition( )
'an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity'
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( 'room' ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + str ( synset. hypernyms( ) ) )
room.n.01 ------ [Synset('area.n.05')]
room.n.02 ------ [Synset('position.n.07')]
room.n.03 ------ [Synset('opportunity.n.01')]
room.n.04 ------ [Synset('gathering.n.01')]
board.v.02 ------ [Synset('populate.v.01')]
>> > for synset in wn. synsets( 'room' ) :
print ( synset. name( ) + " ------ " + str ( synset. hyponyms( ) ) )
room.n.01 ------ [Synset('anechoic_chamber.n.01'), Synset('anteroom.n.01'), Synset('back_room.n.01'), ...]
room.n.02 ------ [Synset('breathing_room.n.01'), Synset('headroom.n.01'), Synset('houseroom.n.01'), ...]
room.n.03 ------ []
room.n.04 ------ []
board.v.02 ------ []
lemma之间的关系 (synonym/antonym)
>> > wn. lemma( "hot.a.01.hot" ) . antonyms( )
[ Lemma( 'cold.a.01.cold' ) ]
>> > wn. synonyms( "chair" )
[ [ ] , [ 'professorship' ] , [ 'chairman' , 'chairperson' , 'chairwoman' , 'president' ] , [ 'death_chair' , 'electric_chair' , 'hot_seat' ] , [ ] , [ 'chairman' ] , [ 'lead' , 'moderate' ] ]