flappy-bird-gym环境安装 如题 conda create -n flappy-bird-gym python=3.8 pip install setuptools==65.5.0 //需要降低版本,不然无法安装低版本的gym pip install gym=0.18.0 //安装0.18.x版本的gym pip install flappy-bird-gym import time import flappy_bird_gym env = flappy_bird_gym.make("FlappyBird-v0") obs = env.reset() while True: # Next action: # (feed the observation to your agent here) action = ... # env.action_space.sample() for a random action # Processing: obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # Rendering the game: # (remove this two lines during training) env.render() time.sleep(1 / 30) # FPS # Checking if the player is still alive if done: break env.close() 运行成功 教程 > RL #教程 #RL #gym flappy-bird-gym环境安装 https://lmc20020909.github.io/flappy-bird-gym安装/ 作者 Liu Mingchen 发布于 2023年7月21日 许可协议 frp配置命令 上一篇 《三国演义》情节梳理 下一篇